2 tier application deployment
Lets Create the first network section.
Here we need to create network Isolation so for that I have to create VPC.
This is public subnet where our public
Created second private subnet
Internet Gateway
This is Internet gateway for public subnet Instance
attach Internet Gateway to vpc
Security Group
Create security group for public instances
Application security Group
DB instance Security Group
I have created instance and attached vpc with public subnet here i used t2.medium instance
Application Setup
# make sure that node is installed in the system
git clone https://github.com/AquilaCMS/AquilaCMS.git
cd AquilaCMS
npm i -g yarn
yarn install
yarn start
DB instance
I am using here Amazon Document DB
first let create Parameter Group so we can attach some type of authentication
Disable TLS encryption
Subnet Group for Db
Attach two availablity subnets is required so i have created extra subnet and attached.
Create Cluster
I have launched t2.medium instance its free tier
Now we can connect application with it
Target Group
Application Load Balancer
App configuration
The Db cluster url is placed
Put password
Creating Image
Select on Create Image
Create Instance with image
Register both instances in target Group
when target Group was ready we are able to see Application
More Can be add as Auto scaling Group if one instance is died then it will automatically create new and placed in target group.