Project 2
vpc peering between two VPC
first vpc
- Create Subnet for vpc1
- Create Internet Gateway for VPC1.
- Select Internet Gateway
- Attach Internet Gatway to vpc
Edit anywhere route and security group
Associate subnet so internet instances can access other.
Create Second VPC
Create Second VPC subnet
Create Internet Gateway for second VPC
Attach Internete gateway to VPC2
Attach VPC
Set anywhere to Internet Gateway.
Create a VPC peering connection.
Accept VPC peering Connection
Attach your VPC gateway to VPC peering connection
Now if you create an instance one instance can talk to another instance with private ip in a different vpc.
Bastion host ec2 instance
First instance private
Add Security Group in Source
With personal computer not able to SSH machine
With Bastion host we are able to connect.
RDS instance bastion host
Create an RDS instance edit the security group and add bastion host security group.
Use Mysql command line to access sql server.
mysql -h hostname - u username-p
Database Migration
For server migration create two database.
Second Database
Create replication Instance.
Add some table and data in database 1
Create task for database migration.
Create source
Create Target where data will be copied.
Create Database Migration Task.
select source and target and create migration
After Successful migration database was copied to database2