Prometheus and Grafana Dashboard monitoring kuberenetes cluster

To monitor cluster we need to install some tools before monitor it

  • Minikube cluster or any other cluster

  • kubectl installed

  • docker or any other driver if you are using minikube

  • helm installed

Lets start

helm repo add grafana

Now you can use Helm to access and install Prometheus-related charts from this repository.

helm repo update

Running this command will refresh the local cache of available Helm charts from all the repositories you have added, including the Grafana and Prometheus Community repositories you added earlier.

helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus

This command will install Prometheus using the chart from the Prometheus Community Helm repository with the release name "prometheus

kubectl expose service prometheus-server --type=NodePort --target-port=9090 --name=prometheus-server-ext

The newly created NodePort service "prometheus-server-ext" will expose Prometheus on a random high port on each of your cluster's nodes, making it accessible externally. You can find the NodePort by describing the service or checking your cluster's service list.

Prometheus server is accessible at 31021 port.


helm repo add grafana

This command will add the Grafana Helm repository with the name "grafana." Now you can use Helm to search for and install charts from this repository.

helm install grafana grafana/grafana

This command will install Grafana with the release name "grafana" using the chart from the official Grafana Helm repository.

kubectl get secret namespace default grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

This command fetches the admin password from the "grafana" secret in the "default" namespace, decodes it, and then prints it to the console. You'll see the Grafana admin password displayed in your terminal when you run this command.

kubectl expose service grafana --type=NodePort --target-port=3000 --name=grafana-ext

This command assumes that you have a Service named "grafana" already created, possibly as a result of installing Grafana using Helm. The newly created NodePort service "grafana-ext" will expose Grafana on a random high port on each of your cluster's nodes, making it accessible externally.

The default password username of grafan is admin

use password which you scrape in secrets.

  • click on add your first data source.

Add data source as Prometheus.

  • Put Prometheus URL and test.

  • Click on Save and Exit.

  • Click on create your first dashboard.

  • Click on import.

  • Type 3662 code and click on load.

  • Click on import button to import dashboard.

  • The dashboard was able to scrape matrix of kubernetes cluster.